
Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers)

EGRG is a research group of the Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers)            RGS-IBG Membership Data Privacy Statement

The Economic Geography Research Group aims to foster research and its dissemination in economic geography by organising meetings, developing contact and cooperation among geographers and other social scientists, and promoting the publication of research.

EGRG Travel Awards for GCEG 2025

The Economic Geography Research Group (EGRG) of the RGS-IBG invites applications for a £500 travel award to support participation in the Global Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG) from 4-8 June 2025 at Clark University in Worcester, MA USA. This award is funded by the Royal Geographical Society and the Economic Geography Research Group of the RGS-IBG.

Please review the eligibility criteria and selection process below. To apply for this travel award, complete the application form here: https://forms.office.com/e/Px5Eg1u6n4Can

The application deadline is 6 January 2025 at 23.59 GMT. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of the selection process before the conference registration deadline.


  • This conference funding award is for an early career or otherwise precarious scholar who will be presenting research in the field of economic geography. Following UKRI, we do not consider years post-PhD or job title to be a sole marker of career progression. As such, we invite applicants to self-identify as ECRs and/or scholars who are precariously employed in the academic biography section of the application.
  • Given the EGRG’s remit to advance economic geography in the UK, applicants should have received their PhD at a UK university and/or currently hold an affiliation at a UK higher education institution. If the applicant does not currently hold a PhD, they must have already submitted their doctoral thesis by time of application.
  • The applicant does not need to be a member of the RGS/EGRG to be eligible for the award.
  • The travel award can be held jointly with the travel awards offered by the GCEG conference.
  • Following conference attendance, the awardee will be invited to share their experiences at the GCEG and/or deliver a research talk based on their GCEG paper with the wider EGRG membership in 2025-2026.

Selection Process

  • The selection process will be jointly managed by a panel composed of the core Economic Geography Research Group board members: Allan Watson (chair), Liam Keenan (secretary) and Jessa Loomis (treasurer).
  • Following the assessment methodology currently piloted by the British Academy, all applicants who provide adequate background information (part 1) and meet the key criteria (part 2) will be eligible for the award.
  • After the application deadline, the assessment panel will review the applications to ensure that each applicant is eligible; we expect all applicants will be.
  • Once eligibility has been determined, the award will be allocated via lottery. If the selected applicant is unable to make use of the award, it will be offered to the next randomly selected eligible participant.

Questions: For any questions on the application or selection process, please email Dr Jessa Loomis (EGRG treasurer): Jessa.Loomis@Newcastle.ac.uk