Category: Events

Reminder of AGM on 7 Sep 2022 (online)

The Economic Geography Research Group of the RGS-IBG is holding its AGM on Wednesday 7th September 2022, 1pm-3pm (UK time) online.

All are welcome to attend. We will provide updates on the Research Group’s activity over the last year and we are looking to fill some key roles:

  • Treasurer
  • Events officer
  • Web and social media officer
  • Early career rep
  • International officer
  • Education officer

If you’re interested in any of the above and want to know more, please feel free to contact EGRG Chair Allan Watson ( or Secretary Kean Fan Lim (

To register for the AGM, please book a ticket here:

EGRG social event at RGS-IBG Conference 2022

For those attending the RGS-IBG Annual Conference next week, the Economic Geography Research Group would like to invite you to a ‘meet the committee’ social event at The Hotspur pub on Wednesday 31st August 2022 at 4.30pm.

Location: 103 Percy Street (directly opposite the Haymarket Bus Station and Metro Station)
Google Maps link

Ahead of our Annual General Meeting on 7th September 2022, we will be looking to fill the following committee positions:

  • Treasurer
  • Events officer
  • Web and social media officer
  • Early career rep
  • International officer
  • Education officer

For those who might be interested in any of the above roles, this meeting will provide the opportunity for an informal discussion, and allow you to find out more about the work of the group.

Of course, those who would just like to join us for a drink, please do come along and say hello!

EGRG sponsorship at RGS-IBG 2022

The Economic Geography Research Group (EGRG) of the Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) invites expressions of interest and proposals for sponsored sessions for the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2022.

The chair of the 2022 conference is Professor Rachel Pain (Newcastle University, UK) and the conference theme is Geographies Beyond Recovery. See for guidance on organising sessions.   

The EGRG are able to sponsor some sessions in the conference schedule that will be guaranteed to be non-concurrent. Please consider the EGRG sessions for any topic that includes consideration of economic questions (broadly defined). We are keen to sponsor diverse sessions based on innovative theoretical and methodological perspectives. 

Each session is 1 hour and 40 mins and in addition to paper-based sessions we also encourage innovative formats to sessions.

The deadline for session proposals submissions to the EGRG is 4th March 2022. Final session proposals including registered participants are due to the RGS-IBG 25th March, 2022.

Please email submissions to Kean Fan Lim ( and Jon Swords ( including session title and abstract (max 400 words), name(s) and affiliation(s) of the session convenor(s), and the anticipated format of the session. Please also indicate if you are applying or intend to apply for sponsorship with any other research group for co-sponsorship. Please bear in mind that sessions cannot occupy more than two slots in the whole programme.

Virtual events for PhD and early career researchers (March 2021)

Following on from our event towards the end of last year, the PhD representatives of the EGRG are planning a virtual series that will give an opportunity for PhD researchers to meet and speak with a number of leading economic geographers, learn more about the work they do, perspectives and positions within academia, and more.
We are pleased to announce the first two events, taking place on Monday 1st March 2021 and Friday 26th March 2021:

Webinar for early career researchers (2nd June 2020)

The EGRG early career representatives are running a webinar on Tuesday 2nd June 2020, 2.00pm to 3.30pm, to discuss the current crisis facing early career academics and to bring ECRs together to share experiences and map out potential actions going forward.

If you are an early career researcher within any area of geography, please register your interest on this google form, and we will send you a link to the zoom meeting session. Please feel free to share with those interested.